Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Interview with Jovany of “AdeenMagazine” x “Young Crafters”

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Q. Who are you and what do you do?
Jovany Perez. 15. Designer/Artist/Stylist

Q. How did ADEEN come into place? Who or What inspired you to become part of ADEEN?
Jovany: "Adeen" is a word Remy always said in school. He would say it in
context like "That jacket is Adeen nice" Rather than "That jacket is
"od" nice" Me and Remy came together to create Adeenmagazine. Most
unique word we can think of lol

Q. What does the term “fashion” mean to you?
Jovany: Fashion is a form of art and a life style fit for only the people who
enjoy it most.
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Q. Describe your style.
Jovany: I don't like to label my style. I would a mixture in between preppy
and urban/streetwear. One day I'd wear a vintage Pierre Cardin necktie
and blazer the next day ill wear a bape sweater with some Jordans.

Q. What is "Young Crafters" and how is it processing?
Jovany: Young Crafters is a movement that consists of me Diggy Simmons and
our friend Lyna Zerrouki who is based in Paris,France. Not only are we
working on our personal style Lookbooks but one of our goals is to
inspire young teens much like us to reach their goals at a early age.
I guess you can compare to something like the UN and the three of us
are different countries but come together as one.

Q. Is there any advice that you would give teens our age in order to
become part of the fashion industry? Or steps they should follow?
Jovany: "Give everything but up" don't let anyone steer you away from your
goals. In any industry you have to start somewhere. So internships are
good places to start. Interning can open new doors for you and give
you the chance to meet new people in the same field that can also help

TheLifeofCool: We thank you for your time speaking with us and sharing advice. We
look forward to getting to know you in the future. Are there any
personal shout outs you would like to give?

Shoutouts: Remy,GreatScott,Diggy and Ricci Steez!

You can reach Jovany at……


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